Thursday, June 20, 2013


Hello to all of the clubhouse followers out there.  We have had a pretty good week so far.  Yesterday was busy at the clubhouse.  We had 36 members attend!! We focused on having groups yesterday.  We had three to choose from and most everyone attended at least one of them.  Today the clubhouse was closed, but it was not boring.  The clubhouse was full of case workers attending the CPR class.  We all passed, thank goodness, and are recertifed.  Hopefully no one will have to use the skills that we learned, but it is better to be prepared.  Dawn took a small group of members to Pickle Springs for a Hike and then they watched a film about the history of mental health treatment.  In the afternoon I took over for Dawn and the members and I went shopping.  We picked up some things that we will need for tomorrow and next week.  We will be wishing Tony farewell tomorrow.  He is going to be enjoying his well deserved retirement.  He has been an asset to the clubhouse.  He is appreciated by staff and members alike.  Tony faithfully drove the members to and from the clubhouse. He kept the vans going.  Most of the time anyway.  His ADA van gave us a few problems from time to time, but it was usually back on the road, with Tony behind the wheel, pretty quick.  We are going to the coffee with a doc at Bauhass Kaffee in the morning.  We will enjoy some of their good coffee and learn about strep and shingles.  After that we will go shopping so that the members can pick up any items that they need for themselves.  Then it is back to the clubhouse.  Shannon and the kitchen crew will be whipping up some chicken salad sandwiches for lunch.  Yummy..   Andrea will be teaching us some coping skills in the afternoon.  We will end the day with some leisure time.   During leisure time the members usually like to play pool or the wii.  Some may put in an exercise video.  Everyone will talk with their friends and relax for a while before the weekend starts.  I hope that everyone has a good Friday and weekend.  Lets all make that extra effort to get out for a little physical activity this weekend.  Until next week I hope all is well and remember that you have a friend. 


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