Tuesday, June 22, 2010

New groups planned

We want to get clubhouse moving and fun.  We have a lot of new ideas floating around and we hope some of them can be started so we can liven this place up a little bit.  Older groups we used to have fun doing have sorta been forgotten and we need to bring them back. Chris W. offered to do a safety first class.  Maggie P. want to do more crafts and baking for a craft and yard sale and maybe sell some of our pictures that didn't get sold at the art show.  Betty W. offered to do a meditation class so we can learn how to relax.  A group class for friends to take the time to discuss their problem like a group therapy class.  A class to help friends learn how to support friends when they are in crisis or having a real bad day will be offered.
We used to bake cupcakes on the birthday party day and we would decorate them and have a contest to sees whoes was the best, and you get awesome bucks for winning. July is also national ice cream month and they have days set aside for hot dog day, fried chicken day, ice cream social day.  It seemed like everyday in July is set aside even a day for the day the liberty bell cracked,, national joke day,cheesecake day, Princess Diana's birthday.  Just lots of stuff that we can encorporate into a group or class.
It's to hot to do to much outside so we want a lot of good stuff we can do inside and keep cool and have fun too.  If you have a idea for a group or class come to calander planning and help us plan stuff for August. Betty W.

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